The Colley's

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Mason Lee Elliott

Mason at Marshall's 13th birthday party - about 1.5 months

Grandpa with Mason at 2 weeks. They both look tired.

Kerry said "I decided to get the exersaucer out early because Mason really likes to be up. He is still a little wobbly but can stay in it a while if I put a blanket in front of him. Here he is having a conversation with the giraffe. Lane doesn't seem to mind the new toy either. Mason also really likes the toys on his bouncy seat and has discovered he can kick them. He is a really happy, playful baby!"
10 weeks old!
Mason is really talking and smiling a lot now. He loves his bath!

Mason's mom couldn't pass up these photos! Mason is 2 months old.
Mason had his 2 month checkup. He was 13 lbs. 11 oz. and 23 inches long. The doctor said everything looks great. He is in the 95th percentile in weight.
9 weeks old!
Mason with his big brother, Lane. Mason is 8 weeks old.
8 weeks!
Mason looks cute in his baseball outfit!
Mason at 7 weeks of age


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